About Us

Trireme - Technologies for Reliable Innovative REMEdiation - is an new start up operating in the field of decontamination of polluter sites.
Trireme is specialized in environmental consultancy and development of innovative technologies for environmental decontamination. It offers reliable, eco-sustainable and multidisciplinary solutions.

Trireme was born from the experience gained in decontaminations thanks to the multidisciplinary collaboration of researchers from the Chemistry Department of the Sapienza University of Rome and the CNR Institute for Research on Waters with the company Edison NEXT.

  • Mission

    Trireme provides broad-spectrum and multidisciplinary services to carry out the decontamination of polluted sites infect by toxic pollutants with a view to real social, environmental and economic sustainability. Our highly specialized methodologies ensure a high-level service with reliable results for the customer.

  • Vision

    Trireme aims to implement its services to address the problem of environmental pollution, already figured as one of the greatest challenges of our time. Trireme aims to research and develop cutting-edge investigation approaches, methodologies and innovative biotechnologies for environmental decontamination able to adapt to circular economy models.

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In the current decontamination market, the characterization of polluted sites takes place through general protocols that don’t care about the specificity of the place and which almost exclusively concern the determination of the total content of pollutants in soil and groundwater . This typically involves the selection of intervention technologies that involve the removal of the contaminated matrix with its external treatment with high costs, invasive interventions and, very often, failure to achieve set goals.

With its team of professionals, Trireme offers specialized consultancy aimed at accurately assessing the chemical and biological conditions of a site – through laboratory studies and pilot tests – in order to identify the way in which they can be stimulated or supported by promoting the chemical-physical and biological degradation of pollutants. The company will aim at technological innovation of the services and products, the optimization of intervention times, environmental sustainability and reduction of the overall costs of decontamination.

Trireme aims to support the entire decontamination process of the polluted site, from the preliminary assessment to the testing of the remediation intervention, using both technologies and the selection of the most appropriate solutions for a specific problem.

Particular attention will be given to the communication aspects, that is essential in a remediation process, both towards the client and towards the local administrations.

Technology, innovation and multidisciplinarity

Trireme offers tested skills in the management of polluted sites thanks to technological applications and the engineering and management of Sersys Ambiente.


Scientific research

Trireme employs professionals with expertise gained in numerous national and European multidisciplinary research projects aimed at the development of cutting-edge processes and technologies for environmental remediation as well as the implementation of the most modern tools for the characterisation and monitoring of contaminated sites.

Integration with industry

The integration of the scientific expertise of Trireme's team of professionals with the engineering and management experience of Sersys Ambiente is one of the strengths of the start up.

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Sites in the Remediation Phase

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Satisfied customers